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Resize an AI Image

Learn how to use Resize to change the size of your AI Image designs.

Written by Craig Wright
Updated over 2 weeks ago

To change the dimensions, or aspect ratio, of your AI images, use Resize. When you change the dimensions, the AI redraws the image to make it fit the new canvas space. It will add or remove parts of the image. For example, in the images shown, the original version of the AI image (1) is portrait and the resized version (2) is landscape. Notice how Photoroom's AI adds extra information to fill the space.

There are two ways to resize an AI Image and the method you use depends on whether you have already created the AI image as a design:

  • If you are creating a brand new AI image, you can resize it when you set up the image. This is only possible on the Web App version of Photoroom and is explained in this article, below.

  • To resize an AI image that you have already generated and saved as a design, you will need to edit the design. From there, you can use Resize to change its dimensions. For instructions, see Expand and resize your design.

On Web App

To resize an AI image before you save it as a design on the Web App (desktop) version of Photoroom:

  1. Log in to Photoroom at

  2. Choose the workspace that you want to work in, for example, your personal workspace.

  3. Select AI Images.

  4. Select the type of AI Image you want to create. If you don't see the type of AI image you want, select Create any image.

  5. Use the Size setting to choose the dimensions for your image.

  6. Use the Style setting to set the appearance of the AI image, for example, Hyper-realistic rendering or Impressionist painting.

  7. Enter a prompt to describe the image you want the AI to create.

  8. Select Generate.

    Photoroom generates 4 AI images based on your prompt. If the images are not quite right for you, position the cursor over an image and select its dotted menu. Then select Generate 4 variations to create 4 more images based on the same prompt. You can also enter a new prompt and select Generate to create new AI images.

  9. When you are happy with an image, select it.

  10. Select Resize to change the dimensions of the AI image. Choose from the list of available sizes or enter a custom size.

  11. [Optional] Select Generate more to create more resized versions of your AI image.

  12. When you have an AI image you are happy with, select it and then select Done.
    Photoroom opens your AI image in the editor.

  13. Use the editor settings to make any further changes to the AI image.

    For instructions on using the editor, see Introduction to the editing in Photoroom.

  14. [Optional] Select the Download icon to download your design as an image file. Enter a name for the file and then download it.

  15. Select the Home icon to save your design.

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