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Delete a design in Photoroom

Looking to delete one or more of your Photoroom designs? This article shows the way.

Eliot Andres avatar
Written by Eliot Andres
Updated over 8 months ago

Do you have designs in Photoroom that you no longer need? Then you'll be glad to hear that you can remove one or more designs quickly and easily, no matter which version of Photoroom you use.

On iPhone and iPad

If you're using Photoroom on an iPhone or iPad, you can delete single images or delete many images at the same time.

Delete a single image

To delete a single image:

(Video shows Photoroom on iPhone)

  1. On the Create page, select Your Content.

  2. On the Your Content page, scroll to the Your Designs section.

  3. Select the three dot icon ( ... ) in the top-right corner of the design you want to delete.

  4. Select Delete.

Delete multiple images at the same time

To delete multiple images at the same time:

(Video shows Photoroom on iPhone)

  1. On the Create page, select Your Content.

  2. On the Your Content page, scroll to the Your Designs heading.

  3. Tap the Select option to the right of the Your Designs heading. This activates the multi-selection mode.

  4. Select each design that you want to delete. When you select a design, a check mark is shown in the circle in the top-right corner of the design.

  5. Select the Delete icon (trash can) in the footer at the bottom.

  6. Select Delete creations to confirm.

On Android

If you're using Photoroom on an Android device, you can delete single images or delete many images at the same time.

Delete a single image

To delete a single image:

(Video shows Photoroom on Android)

  1. On the Create page, select Your Content.

  2. On the Your Content page, scroll to the Your Designs section.

  3. Select the three dot icon ( ... ) in the top-right corner of the design you want to delete.

  4. Select the Delete option.

Delete multiple images at the same time

To delete multiple images at the same time:

(Video shows Photoroom on Android)

  1. On the Create page, select Your Content.

  2. On the Your Content page, scroll to the Your Designs heading.

  3. Tap the Select option to the right of the Your Designs heading. This activates the multi-selection mode.

  4. Select each design that you want to delete. When you select a design, a check mark is shown in the circle in the top-right corner of the design.

  5. Select the Delete icon (trash can) in the footer at the bottom.

On Web App

If you're using Photoroom on the Web App (desktop), you can delete single images or delete many images at the same time.

Delete a single image

To delete a single image:

(Video shows Photoroom on Web App)

  1. On the Create page, select Designs.

  2. Hover the cursor over an image that you want to delete. When you hover over an image, a checkbox appears in the top-left corner.

  3. Select the checkbox to mark the image for deletion. If you change your mind, select it again to remove the check.

  4. Select the Delete option from the banner at the bottom

  5. Select Delete permanently to confirm.

Note: Alternatively, you can hover the cursor over the image and select the three dot icon ( ... ). From the menu, choose Delete and then select Delete permanently to confirm.

Delete multiple images at the same time

To delete many images at the same time:

(Video shows Photoroom on Web App)

  1. On the Create page, select Designs.

  2. Hover the cursor over an image that you want to delete. When you hover over an image, a checkbox appears in the top-left corner.

  3. Select the checkbox to mark the image for deletion. If you change your mind, select it again to remove the check.

  4. Select the Delete option from the banner at the bottom

  5. Select Delete permanently to confirm.

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