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Apply filter effects to a layer

Learn how to use filters to make a background black and white, sepia, and more.

Written by Craig Wright
Updated over 12 months ago

Photoroom's Filter feature lets you apply a color and tonal adjustment to an individual layer. This is often used to create black and white backgrounds, while the foreground objects are still shown in full color. But you can apply a filter effect to any layer.

To learn how to apply a filter effect to a layer, select the link for your device:

On iPhone and iPad

To apply a filter effect to a layer on iPhone or iPad:

(Video shows Photoroom on iPhone)

  1. On the Create page, select Start from photo and then choose an image to import.

    Alternatively, you could select Your Content and choose one of your existing designs to edit.

  2. If you imported a new image, select a template for the background. To keep the background from your imported image, select the Original template (in the Classics collection).

  3. Select Layers.

  4. Select the layer you want to edit, for example, the Background layer.

  5. Use the slider to turn Filter on.

  6. Choose a filter effect from the list. For example, you can choose Noir for a dark black and white filter or Tonal for a lighter black and white filter.

  7. Select Done.

  8. Select Done on the Layers.

  9. Select Export. Use the export settings to save and share the image.

On Android

To apply a filter effect to a layer on an Android device:

(Video shows Photoroom on Android)

  1. On the Create page, select Start from photo and then choose an image to import.

    Alternatively, you could select Your Content and choose one of your existing designs to edit.

  2. If you imported a new image, select a template for the background. To keep the background from your imported image, select the Original template (in the Classics collection).

  3. Select Layers.

  4. Select the layer you want to edit, for example, the Background layer.

  5. Use the slider to turn Filter on.

  6. Choose a filter effect from the list. For example, you can choose Noir for a dark black and white filter or Tonal for a lighter black and white filter.

  7. Select Done.

  8. Select Done on the Layers.

  9. Select Export. Use the export settings to save and share the image.

On Web App

To apply a filter effect to a layer on the Web App (desktop):

(Video shows Photoroom on Web App)

  1. On the Create page, select Select a photo and then choose an image to import.

    Alternatively, you could select Designs and choose one of your existing designs to edit.

  2. If you imported a new image, select a template for the background. To keep the background from your imported image, select the Original template (in the Classics collection).

  3. If a prompt appears, confirm that you want to apply the template.

  4. Select the layer you want to edit, for example, the Background layer.

  5. Use the slider to turn Filter on.

  6. Choose a filter effect from the list. For example, you can choose Noir for a dark black and white filter or Tonal for a lighter black and white filter.

  7. Select Download. Photoroom saves your design and a local copy downloads in your browser.

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